I think most heavy people, and I am still heavy even though I went from about 250 to about 187, have the notion that that is their "normal weight." This is not the case. Humans evolved over a couple millions of years eating a certain type of natural food diet and probably even the fattest humans would have had a few weeks of fat stored for times of scarcity. This is not much. Even a lean person has many thousands of calories of stored body fat and that is by design. If people simply flipped this idea that your "normal weight" should be lean with only a couple weeks of stored fat to use in times of scarcity, then this will help you realize that your fat self is the abnormal one, and that if you simply eat a more natural diet free of processed sugars and grains, and low in starches and legumes (our ancestral evolved diet) then your body will 'normalize' and get you down to that leaner frame that has a normal amount of stored fat. ...
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